The Good Sense Ministry provides training events on creating a spending plan for the purpose of getting out of debt and getting finances under control. Good Sense Counselors also offer free, one on one, confidential financial counseling.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:21
Jesus taught that how we use our money is an indication of our values and priorities. For many of us, organizing our finances according to Biblical Financial Principles can be hindered by the pull of our materialistic culture, a lack of knowledge about wise financial practices, and the need for effective tools to implement them.
Would you like to discover the peace and contentment that comes from managing your financial resources according to God’s purposes and principles?
The Good $ense Budget Course is designed to help you do just that. In this hands-on course, you’ll learn how to honor God in your finances by becoming a……..
Diligent Earner
Generous Giver
Wise Saver
Cautious Debtor
Prudent Consumer
What will I learn?
You will learn what the Bible says about finances and how to combat cultural myths such as, “Debt is expected and unavoidable,” “Things bring happiness,” and “A little more money will solve all your problems.”
During the course, you will develop a Spending Plan for the coming year. You will learn about and choose between three different record-keeping systems to help you stick to your plan. Most importantly, you will discover how being financially faithful can help you become financially free!
Pre-work materials will need to be completed prior to attending the course which will be given to you when you register. Spending an hour or two completing the pre-work will ensure you get the most benefit from the course. These materials are confidential and you will not be asked to share them with others.
You will leave the course with a Spending Plan in your hand….
The knowledge in your head to implement it….
And the motivation in your heart to follow through with it!
Please note that pre-work materials need to be completed prior to attending the course.
Contact Tom Monnier at 312-1591 or email him at for more information or class schedules.